I am excited that I finally get to publish this post. I put it up quickly back in September soon after our session…..
but took it down until she was married.
~~I love what I do. Seriously. I hope that for each session it proves to be stress-free and not too terribly painful. I know how it can be – believe me. I shot my 8-year old for a portrait last week and by the end of it, I knew why people call me.
The term “portrait” has always made me cringe a little. I think it makes me see a carpet-covered block with some elbows and a diagonally scribbled signature in the bottom right-hand corner….you know what I mean. This morning’s bridal portrait was anything but cheesy. Okay, maybe mom’s smile (like how you make the mouth movements when you’re feeding a baby….)
The weather was beautiful, the cloud-cover was perfect…..and the bride was BREATHTAKING. From her hair, to her dress to her big brown eyes. ~~
I hope your wedding was all that you wanted it to be this weekend…..I’m sure everything was fantastic.
by Picture Lady
Jill Stevenson - It WAS a beautiful wedding. The weather was perfect and the bride was lovely (just like her mom, grandmother and aunts).
Anonymous - Beautiful pictures.