Yes…..this is one of my favorite families to shoot. Cool, calm and collected…..(I can hear Dad snickering thinking ‘that’s not what it felt like on the way out the door to see you!’) Seriously, great kids: “S”, “O”, “H” and “S” who seem to really enjoy each other…and super laid back Mama and Daddy. This was my third play date with them over the years and we’ve started a little photo-op tradition….sweet “H” did not disappoint with resurrecting one of my favorite shots of all time…..The WEDGIE! (And…before I hear any moaning about ‘that’s cruel’ or ‘how can you do that?’….let me just say that – clearly you do not have any boys in your household. A maneuver like this could almost define the decor of my household….well, that AND nerf darts.) This time, Daddy was so successful……part of “H”‘s under garments went underground for a little bit. Sorry….Mom…the laundress. (I’m so stinkin’ immature that I’m giggling ~ just as much when I write this as I did when I was there!) Enjoy this little slideshow of our Saturday morning at Hampton Park!
by Picture Lady
Anonymous - Omg hiliarious