I realize and understand the ‘craziness’ that brides, and families surrounding, can experience during the weeks leading up to the big “day.” It’s nice to see when that frenzy escapes the scene and happiness takes over. Sunday afternoon, all worries of details, planning and doing… vaporized with the onset of make-up, hair, flowers and dresses. Even the little drizzles of rain didn’t get Anna ruffled. She took off – through the rain – in her gown and boots and marched right down a dirt road to the ceremony without waiting on an umbrella or ride. She had one mission….and worrying about keeping her dress clean wasn’t it.
I am always impressed with the Jewish, ceremonial traditions. At the beginning of the service – just after Mom and Dad escort down the isle, the bride circles the groom seven times ….the number paralleling the original number of days of creation. The Chuppah is an open structure under which the couple stands and exchanges their vows. Its openness is a reminder to keep their new home and minds open. Fantastic. The breaking of a glass by the groom – a reminder that even during joyous times…life is not perfect.
Another FABULOUS tradition – known specifically to this Foxy family….jumping rope using tablecloths tied together. Awesome. How can that NOT be fun? Anna’s parents did it at their wedding years ago….
One more thing…Coolest. Wedding cake. Ever. Part naval ship cake….part traditional cake. Right on.
by Picture Lady
br - such amazing photos travis…anna looked so gorgeous. we were so sorry to miss it. looked like an great day..
SN - such a great wedding… thanks for sharing these wonderful pictures and being there to catch us all in the act of celebration!
Aunt nu - Travis, it wouldn’t be a Fox event without you– you rock! You have the uncanny ability to capture the moments so they live forever for all of us. Thank you for joyfully participating. We love u…the preview makes me want to see all of the photos… can’t wait to see them and look forward to celebrating with you again soon.
sfb - LOVE IT.
Thanks so much for joining us for such a fantastic day. Cant wait to see the rest!
Karen Sherman - Thanks for capturing this joyous simcha in all its beauty! You made us feel like we were there.