I love me some Halloween……Happy Birthday to my big brother, Paul – Coolest. Birthday. Ever.
A little Sneak Peek into what’s hangin’ in my house. Hope Halloween is Ghoulish, Spooky, Sweet and Fun for you. We’ll be hanging in our neighborhood….with our traditional chili and cornbread with an open door to anyone hungry in the neighborhood. My husband will be resisting the temptation of scaring the pooh out of the little ones in our hood. Mmmm…..not yet….maybe next year. Whahhaahhahhaaahh.


A little bit from last night…….I was up in “hair and make-up” getting my daughter all made up into a creepy clown and an ole hag for myself (sadly, I just took an eyeliner and went over the already-existing lines in my face!)……but I missed the good light to get around and take pictures of all the cute neighbors…..

“Where were you on the night of……!” (Poor little “T”)

Mmmm….perfect costume for this one….

This is what you get when you mix a 14-year old…..and some dry ice….and a black light….awesome.

by Picture Lady
Elizabeth Parker - Trav-House looks spoooookkkkyyy!!! Halloween really brings back the old memories of our childhood and your MOM dressing up as her famous witch! (i really miss that)Hope ya’ll have a Super Halloween take lots of scary pics tonight!!! love you