Big Brother Love…

This was a case of “Wow, it’s a small world….”  We came together by way of some Florida clients….saw each other at a mutual friend’s house….had some snacks, a backyard picnic, wiped some noses, exchanged some sand and now we’re BFF’s…no seriously, I feel like Mama and I’ve known each other forever.  Okay – so I LOVE it when I witness some sweet, big-brother love.  “L” was more than eager to share his scooter…and give little Miss “M” some riding lessons.  (“M”…maybe, when you’ve mastered the scooter, “L” can show you his leg-lift move.)  Too much fun on this March afternoon just hanging in the backyard….thanks for calling on me and maybe I’ll get to see you in Florida….or Georgia…who knows!!?


March 14, 2013 - 12:50 pm

BB - SWEET SWEET SWEET! Those two are something else….

Kickin’ it Old School…..

Every time I go to the year end Cotillion performance….I giggle like a school girl.  The awkward moments between 75 boys and girls, the old-school record player turned down a speed or two and the big, bulky microphone used by a lady that most friends OUR AGE were taught by….the Waltz, the Lindy….all of it.  Old School.  Please notice the massive magic marker all over the hand that some innocent, little girl’s white gloves had to hold.  Good stuff.


Tannins Under the Sea….


I really love what I do…..I certainly have my fair share of children and wedding shoots….and occasionally I get to experience something different and super cool.  Yesterday, I was loaded up on a diving boat (anyone remember the temp?)…..and headed out into the deep blue to dunk a few cases of Cabernet Sauvignon into the salty bubbles.  So apparently, Jim “Bear” Dyke, of Mira Winery,  had a restless night a few months ago and thought…..’Hey, let’s age some wine at the bottom of the ocean.’  Well alrighty then….out we went with four marine constructed cages, 48 bottles of wine and some scuba men to an undisclosed spot for the vino to take a 3-month bath in the dark, cool waves.  The excitement of what this may….or may not….produce was overwhelming and infectious.  Certainly there will be a buzz upon the dawn of these bottles in May and many are already anxious to taste.  Check out the status…or better yet, get yo’self a bottle right here!  For the record…when I wake up in the middle night…I’m thinking of things like: “Did I pay for that field trip?” or “Do we have any Worcestershire sauce?”….dang.  Must. Reprogram. Brain.

Oh, I hope the little fishes look as cool as I did in my sunglasses….I made a small donation to someone’s marine life accessory chest.

Happy Birthday Sweet “T”

These people are some of our favorites…..we live right next door and we all joke that we should have given each other “our stuff back” for Christmas.  Wine glasses, dishes, etc….  Our dogs help themselves in and out of each other’s houses and so do our children.  We love it.  Happy Birthday to one of the sweetest, hard working, coordinated little boys we know.  Go, Thomas, Go!

It seems like yesterday….

We’ve all heard our parents say it….and we’re all feelin’ it now….but it seems like it was just the other day when we were pinning those boutonnieres on the lapels of our dates.  My daughter asked me the other day ‘what kind of dresses did you wear?’  Well let’s see now….I’m the baby in my family and my sisters had gotten married so I wore some KILLER cry-in-your-pillow-awful bridesmaid dresses….an outfit out of my best friend’s attic (mothballs) and I tried my hand at being bold and wore tuxedo pants with a sparkly top once…..definitely had the head-o-hair moussed to the ceiling and eye shadow that could make a raccoon blush.  We had it goin’ ON!

“R” had a semi formal dance last night…great date…good friends…and a family nice enough to host a crowd to get together beforehand.  Girls, you looked fantastic and boys….so handsome.  I am most impressed at what nice, young people you are – CHEERS to a memorable time in your life – ENJOY!

February 1, 2013 - 12:12 pm

BB - WOW my Godson is so handsome!!!

January day in the Park….

This is, hands down, one of my favorite people to work with on a project – she’s dependable, SUPER nice, not emotional, doesn’t get rattled….and just flat gets-it-done.  With a smile.  Poor thing gets pulled here and there to do, do and do some more.  Her children are so pleasant, thoughtful and friendly…..I actually had to ask if they ever fight!?  One of those great, little, boy moments that I can appreciate from my ‘not his mother’ position…..Mr. “H” carved his name in one of the booths in the balcony at church.  LOVE IT.  Seriously….it makes me smile every time I see it….and it’s been there for y-e-a-r-s.

Say Yes!

Sometimes I get to the end of the day and wonder how I got there.  Busy days suit me…I prefer to look up and be surprised by the clock.  Sometimes….especially since my time in the delivery room….things slip in….and out….and maybe back in….my brain.  So, it was fun to open up an email today from a publication in Georgia – “Say Yes!” – featuring an article about wearing your mother’s wedding dress.  I had forgotten they had contacted me for some bride pictures – and love getting to see the spread and be surprised by it.  (Ironic that today is my brother-in-law’s birthday….and I teased HIM that he could soon hide his own Easter Eggs due to his climbing age and failing memory.)

Mr. Serious….

This is sweet “C” that we last checked in with on Halloween.  His older brother was at school yesterday so I didn’t get to see him…..and I think baby “C” was missing him too!  We barely cracked through Mr. Serious.  That’s alright……you couldn’t be any sweeter and I don’t need to see a smile to know that.  Loved seeing your Mama….and Daddy – this first one below is for you and Big Brother….just in case you had a different vision of it….in your backyard…propped up and all.  I look forward to seeing your ‘project’ come to fruition!

Miss ‘Bossy Boots’ is back at it…..

This is the time of year that I pull myself back together.  The holiday season starts along side of wedding season….my household has 4 birthdays in the Fall….and all that goes with the never-ending holidays from spook to sparklers.  I take the first part of January and shut down for a little bit and pull my brain cells back in my head.  I work on some wedding albums and ‘try‘ to get my office organized.  Well….Miss Bossy Boots – a/k/a STALKER….does NOT like this.  She lets me know when she is just flat out tired of the latest post.  I don’t blame her….but I must say, turning “it” off for a little bit is nice.

Sooooo… bring you out of your funk…..I am going to show you some cuties that I failed to post during the holiday season….my sweet neighbors.  Oh, first…this is “Woody” and he’s a therapy dog at MUSC Children’s Hospital.  Pretty stinkin’ cute, huh?

We get to see all of these cute people everyday.  We basically have an open-door policy and all the children come and go in between houses.  We love it.

Don’t worry….gettin’ back at it in the morning so you’ll have something else to look at soon.  Thanks for stalkin’, friend.

January 15, 2013 - 12:55 pm

BB AKA - Stalker..... - Well… you’re just so darn GOOD at what you do! Gotta keep you on your toes (sandles!!)

Merry Merry to my New Family….

….wait.  I know, that’s weird….but I’ve had a crush on this family for a l-o-n-g time and I figure…why not make them mine.  Since they are in my head anyway.  Mama and Daddy are friends of ours – and besides being the most beautiful people on the outside…..they are as well on the inside.  Seriously.  Humble, thoughtful, hard-working and kind.  Emily had her parents and sisters in town so we made it an afternoon party.  I know it was crazy….but that’s the way I like it.  Crazy fun.  I’ll let you know (soon) when the rest go up!  Thanks for a GREAT afternoon.


December 21, 2012 - 7:30 pm

Paige Staples - Sweet, sweet family….

December 26, 2012 - 10:55 pm

"Boo" - I knew who it was before I could pull up the pics!!! Hilarious!!! Merry! Merry!

L I K E   F a c e b o o k