Happy Birthday, Handyman…

I love these people…Happy Happy Day to you, sweet guy.  This gives new meaning to “bite report.”

Crazy Crew…

Always a good time with these peeps.  Mama is the very best at letting ‘them’ be ‘them’…and my motto is “the crazier the better”…so when they start tackling, pinching, licking and giggling their faces off…I think it’s awesome.  And…I’m sorry…but it was hard to tell…what color were those eyes again?

Fall, Flowers and Fun…

Thanks for playing with me on this beautiful afternoon…I hope to get down to Edisto again and will drop in and see you guys!

Somewhere Over the Rainbow…

Oh how I love this family!  The big day started with a little, lucky drizzle…..only to end up with one of the largest double rainbows I have ever seen.  It was end-to-end over the reception…just in time to welcome the bride and groom.  The night was perfect in every way.

Great big family…

One of my favorite families to be around…they truly enjoy each other’s company.  Thanks for calling me…love getting to see everyone when they’re in town.

Happy Happy Day!

This big guy turned ONE…Happy Birthday cute thing.

First day of Preschool…

I met this sweet girl…under very different circumstances…when she came into the world.  She’s come a long way in her 3 years…and her first day of preschool was big HAPPY deal.  Congratulations, Miss Priss…you took your first day by the horns with spunk and a smile.

Back on the IOP…

I love getting to see this great family every year or two…each year has brought a new player…and a new personality.  This year’s entry…Mr. Chill Pill.  Enjoyed spending my morning with you.

Favorite. Family. Ever.

These people are integrity, humility, generosity and humor…rolled up into a six-pack of awesomeness.  A sneak peek of a lil’ pre forced family fun.  Now…”A”…let’s discuss that London Laundry.

L I K E   F a c e b o o k