Bubbles, Balls and Blue Eyes!

So great to see you again…and my how you’ve grown.  I look forward to meeting your new addition.

Miss Priss…

I mean…I can’t even…the deliciousness going on here is incredible.  The sweetest disposition with the kindest little eyes.  What a joy.

Double the Giggle…

So these two super heroes have come a long way…from many weeks in the NNICU…to skipping and laughing in the park.  Life is good and these girls know how to live it.  Ohhh what fun I had with you…thanks for playing with me.

Thumbs Up for Fresh Air….

What a sweet little family of five.  Little Miss “A” is just as delicious as the other two and there is definitely no shortage of kisses going around for her.  Much love, encouragement and FRESH AIR to you…I think she enjoyed the spring breeze on the porch.

Easter Bunny delight…

I love this great crew…with a laid back mama and super delish children.  They adore each other and boy it shows…would love an update on the ducks and chickies!

Big brother rabbit ears…

So it’s already started…she’s all of 2-weeks old and the rabbit-ear photobombs have begun.  Love it.  Mama, everyone looks great and life is moving right along.  A fun afternoon with you guys and especially enjoyed building Lego’s with you, R.

Lucky #7!

Happy Day to this sweet guy.  I can’t believe you’re getting so big and love it when your birthday rolls around.

Fox and his “Boo”…

It’s been a little over two weeks and things are bumping along nicely.  You are Mr. Delicious and your body guard might look like her ‘bark is worse than her bite.’   So glad you are here…and I look forward to loving on you often.

Easy Breezy and Sly as a Fox…

Today I woke up to a text of “water broken…2 cm” – hot diggity this baby was coming on his due date!  Well…he took his sweet time and slid into his due date with about 20 minutes to spare.

Mama is one of my very favorite people in the whole wide world…with her fabulous laugh, creative spirit and extra caring heart…nothing but a pleasure to be around always.  She is quick to laugh…has the most natural beauty of anyone…and has fallen madly in love and found her sweet spot in life.  Daddy is as calm and caring as they come and crazy about his Breezy.  She’s as happy as I’ve ever seen her and this little nugget just topped their little world off.  He’s perfect…he came out pink and happy with one delicious dimple.

Before the sun went down today…I took a picture of “what it looked like outside” on the day you were born.  Crazy coincidence…check out the picture on the delivery room wall…pretty cool, huh?  Same shot I took about 6 years ago.

Happy Birthday, mister…loved by so many already.


February 20, 2016 - 7:18 am

Anonymous - Ahhh…. So sweet! Thanks travis 💜

Puppy love…

So…I always expect and love when children get up and climb trees…but Uncles??  Fantastic.  Great day with windy weather, puppy and family love galore.

L I K E   F a c e b o o k