I mean…please. I really have no words for all this CUTENESS. Seriously, I am struggling with editing because there are SO MANY smiles and delicious expressions. Thank you for a great afternoon with fabulous moods and perfect weather!!
I definitely think it’s important to have a good time during a photo shoot. Stiff, fake smiles and attitudes are the worst and that’s what I’m going to get if things don’t get fun. I prepare the children and parents with a little, “We’re going to blow out the pictures that Mama wants, then let’s have some fun!” I mean, when it’s all said and done, who cares about a shirt tail when you get belly laughter!? Thanks for the great morning…and I hope they made it back to school for you!! This little angel surprised Mama and Daddy early by making her debut the day after Christmas. Mama already looks like a rock star sporting her jeans and regular clothes. ~sigh~…whatever. (I wore my husband’s undershirts and boxers for a several-month span before and after delivery. For real. That…or some oversized overalls…wow, so attractive and feminine.) At any rate, check out this sweet girl’s wrinkled back, full head of hair and delicious lips. I recently had someone ask me if I enjoy shooting weddings or is it something that I dread? I LOVE every single thing about it. There is a whole process of emotions that is so fun to witness from beginning to end. This particular wedding and wedding-party was just perfection and these two are true love birds. CHEERS to you for pulling off one of the most fabulous nights…during a crazy time of year…in the most laid-back way ever! Thank you for including me. |