Busy as a BEE…

The afternoon temps were a little bit muggy…but that didn’t dampen her curiosity or energy.  This sweet one’s dress said it best…she is happy and on the go!  Thanks for having me over…I’ll let you know when the rest of the gallery goes up.

True Sibling LOVE…

I am not sure that I have ever witnessed more LOVE for a baby sister.  These twin boys ADORE her…and there is always some playful jockeying over who can help, hold and kiss on her.  All of this love and attention is real and she takes every single bit of it with patience and a smile.  Cheers and kudos to you, Mama and Daddy…for creating such a happy family.

Life on the Lake…

A quick visit with this sweet family in one of the most peaceful places to live.  A perfect spot to raise your family…and let them be children.

Leg. Rolls.

Um…leg rolls anyone??  This sweet mama is a dear friend of my family…and I LOVE love LOVE getting to see her babies.  Delicious.



We had a packed morning of doggie treats, outfit changes, neighbors’ yards, snacks and juice!  LOVED seeing you and playing a little peekaboo!

Muggy Morning Off…

The calendar said Fall…but we were wading through the thick air as we strolled the streets of downtown Charleston.  What a beautiful and charming city we get to call home – that’s for a fun morning!

Camero…party of SIX.

Apparently, brushing up on stick-shift skills is offensive and causes a curmudgeon to angrily photobomb.  Perfect.  Thanks for the laugh, lady.


Rough and Tough…

These sweet little boys are some of the happiest and coordinated little athletes!  Mama and Daddy have many fun Saturday mornings ahead with these two as they are sure to hit the field soon.  Thanks for a fun afternoon and I’ll let you know when the rest of your gallery goes up!

Does doggie training…work on children?

I can honestly say that I’m not sure I have met a better behaved dog.  Mama and Daddy…you have such command of your household that I am not joking when I say I bet this sweet little munchkin is going to be just as well-behaved.  Thank you for a great afternoon of cozy snuggles with Mr. Yummy.

Little Miss Carrot Top…

I’m sorry…but I LOVE my job.  How much fun to get to play with little munchkins when each picture is cuter than the last!? This sweet baby is the granddaughter of a childhood friend…and I’m not sure it gets any more scrumptious.  What a fabulous morning…and weekend.  xoxo

L I K E   F a c e b o o k