Reconnecting with the BEST…

I sure do love meeting up with a couple whose wedding I shot years ago…only to enjoy their sweet family!!

Splish Splash…!!

A yearly tradition of good friends and great times.  Cheers!

Across the Rivah…

Fun to circle back around with these cute people as it has been a little while since I’ve seen them.  Little man was just learning to sit up with Cheerios stuck all over him…now he’s devouring Zebra Cakes!

Girls…just want to have FUN!

Sorry Daddy…you are OUTNUMBERED…by a lot.  Cheers to the delicious baby-girl addition to this fabulous family!

Just us boys…

The perfect way to celebrate one who celebrates life the most.  Cheers to you, sweet Luke.

“Shhhh…there there, now….”

Lots of love, kisses and helping hands for this sweet Mama.  Third babies survive and sleep through anything. 

L I K E   F a c e b o o k