
I’m not sure how I’ve never met Leo before…but what a great addition to your family!  Kate, sorry for the mishap on your dress…she didn’t know you were in a photoshoot!

Under the TREES!

When Tommy and I first married…we looked at house after house to be our first home.  We narrowed it down to two options and made a list of pros and cons.  One house that made the final two…was on this fabulous street right here.  Thank you for being flexible and for a great afternoon!


‘Park It’ for some FUN!

When your house and driveway gets blocked by neighbors and such…you head to the PARK!  Enjoyed my afternoon with you!!

Go Jump in the …LAKE?

Soon you just might be able to…but not today!  Enjoyed my afternoon with you!

A new friend…

I think this new little bundle…is well taken care of…by all members of the household.

Sweet Sisters…

I LOVE it when I get experience sweet siblings who truly enjoy each other…human and the furry ones.


L I K E   F a c e b o o k