….Best. Mannered. Children. Ever.

Now I do love this super sweet family.  I went to college with Mama….and she is as pleasant and patient as they come.  She home-schools this sweet bunch and they are delightful.  I, for one, wouldn’t get past orientation at home-school in my household.  I’m not quite sure how the discipline goes…..but I’d either be fired for losing my cool, or someone would be expelled.  And, they might all still be in the first grade….if that far.

Thank you, Tina and Joel, for bringing “J”, “J”, “J”, “A” and “J” out for a great morning at Hampton Park – I love seeing all them interact with one another.  The testosterone is a-flowin and with a little encouragement from me….it turns into wrestle mania.


I think we got this same shot….two years ago.  All brothers wrestling…..and sister all upset in tears.  Cracks me up.






October 12, 2011 - 8:39 pm

pbill - Talented. Talented. Talented.

October 12, 2011 - 9:17 pm

Picture Lady - Thanks pbill!

Crazy Daisies…..

There are so many things I love about this family – and only know them from our shoots together….but I feel like we know each other well.  First, Mama and Daddy couldn’t be any nicer.  They’re laid back, cool parents and totally pleasant.  Second, the girls know how to live LIFE.  They are always in a good mood….smiling, laughing and full of energy.  So now…..sweet little “J” has entered the world of “K” and “B”…..and Buddy, until you can hold your own….hold on.  You’re entry into this world ain’t holdin’ them back….o-n-e  bit.


If you follow me at all…..you know I’d rather have crazy than perfect.  Please…..just giggle at all that is going on in this….and to think, we’re so calm and sweet with our first ones…..Go with it baby “J”!  You have no choice…..

Not to worry – we didn’t leave him like that……but the look in her eye is..priceless.


August 4, 2012 - 2:27 pm

My good buddies out at the Beach! » Travis Dew Photography - […] is high energy and ready to PLAY!  Here is the first…..Here is the second….Here is the third….and Here is the fourth….too stinkin’ fun and cute each time.  One […]

“E” and “H” on a Beautiful Fall Morning!!

Remember these two?  I shot them last August and went straight to my desk thinking “did I just shoot a Baby Gap commercial?”  They couldn’t have been any sweeter and up for playing with me.  Come to find out, “E” actually had strep throat!  Monday, everyone was ready to go with both Mama and Daddy!!  Here’s a sneak peek of your beautiful Fall morning with the sweet munchkins – loved seeing you guys again.


My Morning with “H”

This little fellow is the sweet guy on my business cards when he was 4 months old…..and look how much he’s grown!!  He just turned 2 and my how handsome you are “H”!  As always, Mama looks fantastic and I’m so happy to hear that you are loving school.  It was all I could do to keep you playing with me this morning…you were ready to head on inside to school.

I love love love that I got to see you again……and even though it’s been nearly two years, I still look back at those 4-month old pictures and smile.  This is your sneak peek – ENJOY!

First Post on New Blog…HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

For my first blog post on my NEW BLOG……I’d like to say Happy Birthday to one of the neatest people I know.  My oldest son turns 14 today and he could not be a nicer kid.  Despite the rumors of teenage years……and I may be editing this post one day……but he is a total pleasure to be around.  I’m proud of the person he is today and look forward to who he will become.  Who knew that 14 years ago…..after a full night of labor, two-and-a-half hours of pushing, and a week in the NNICU……that I would ~blink~ and you’d be a nice, young man, playing JV football and well on your way to being an adult.  So for you…..I make your favorite….my famous meatloaf, mashed potatoes, green beens and maybe a little something sweet with a candle in it.  Much love, kisses and hugs to you.  (Added note – I made my meatloaf, but I also had broccoli, brussels sprouts and potatoes…..kind seems a little cruel on his birthday – but he likes it and so does everyone else…..so I guess it’s okay.)


October 4, 2011 - 9:38 pm

Elizabeth - My handsome godson that I never get to see! Those are great pictures! PS love the new layout of the blog

L I K E   F a c e b o o k