Weekend Getaway….

This is where we were this weekend…….Kicking it old school with our church up in the North Carolina mountains at Kanuga.  No cell service….no t.v…..no internet.  Good…old fashioned…family fun.

We had a cabin with two other families…..and we went apple-picking, hiking, threw the football, played music, did a high-ropes course and laughed, laughed, laughed.  Great time for the whole family.  My favorite part?  Meal time…..because I didn’t have NOTHIN’ to do with it…before, during OR after.

Fall Morning at Alhambra….

I played with these cats Fall Break last year.  This year, everyone had just been on a little vacation and was ready to roll.  “T” is getting big and is not too interested in sitting c-l-o-s-e to his icky sister “K”……but, he needs to realize what an asset his younger sister will be when it comes to dating time.  (That’s how I met my husband….I was good friends with his younger sister!)  “B” is on fire and ready to go – go – go.  Love it.  Life is good for these people and they are happy.  Thanks for calling me out to play again this year….good to see you!


Wow…Beautiful Bridal Session…..

I am excited that I finally get to publish this post.  I put it up quickly back in September soon after our session…..

but took it down until she was married.

~~I love what I do.  Seriously.  I hope that for each session it proves to be stress-free and not too terribly painful.  I know how it can be – believe me.  I shot my 8-year old for a portrait last week and by the end of it, I knew why people call me.

The term “portrait” has always made me cringe a little.  I think it makes me see a carpet-covered block with some elbows and a diagonally scribbled signature in the bottom right-hand corner….you know what I mean.  This morning’s bridal portrait was anything but cheesy.  Okay, maybe mom’s smile (like how you make the mouth movements when you’re feeding a baby….)  

The weather was beautiful, the cloud-cover was perfect…..and the bride was BREATHTAKING.  From her hair, to her dress to her big brown eyes. ~~

I hope your wedding was all that you wanted it to be this weekend…..I’m sure everything was fantastic.

October 18, 2011 - 4:05 pm

Jill Stevenson - It WAS a beautiful wedding. The weather was perfect and the bride was lovely (just like her mom, grandmother and aunts).

October 18, 2011 - 5:36 pm

Anonymous - Beautiful pictures.

“I Do”…..at home!

It’s been a long time since I’ve lived in Athens, Georgia.  I moved away to go to college in 1988 and never went back home.  I drove over to Athens on Friday afternoon……and as soon as I pulled into town…it hit me.  I felt like I was home – because of the way “it” all felt.  I loved the way the air smelled and I took it all in….I was alone and I let myself go down memory lane.  Big time.

Elizabeth and Bradshaw were ready to marry on Saturday……and they couldn’t have been any calmer.  In fact, I saw more stress from the meter maid than anyone involved in this wedding.  It was GREAT.  The families, your mother’s dress, the weather, attitudes, ceremony, wedding party, guests, reception…..it was all FABULOUS.

Thank you for having me home……to share in your BIG day.  It was special and you guys made it…perfect.  Enjoy your honeymoon!


October 18, 2011 - 9:32 am

Page gunn Pate - Travis, how I loved seeing you this weekend!!! too long, what a beautiful wedding and the photo gallery is fabulous, shows what a beautiful day it was! Your mama would be so proud of You!!!

October 18, 2011 - 9:43 am

Anonymous - What a beautiful Bride :o) Flowers were beautiful!!

October 18, 2011 - 1:54 pm

Anonymous - These pictures are incredible! Such a wonderful wedding!

October 18, 2011 - 5:36 pm

Anonymous - I love looking at this slideshow.

9-Month Pumpkin Party

Here’s my sweet little fella “C” who I get to see every three months.  He is totally into this holiday season…..he loves him some pumpkins!!  He looks like a sweet little Charlie Brown in his striped shirt and pumpkin patch.  Can’t wait to see you in three….munchkin.

October 17, 2011 - 4:56 pm

K Turman - Your pictures are beautiful! They always tell a story. The web site looks fabulous as well. Cant wait to see what you do next!

October 18, 2011 - 5:37 pm

Anonymous - He’s getting so big.

Twizzler TWINS….

What are the chances that I have 3 shoots in two days – all with multiples?  Crazy.  These fun people met me out at “Swamp Lake” (as it’s now called after my last post…) for an afternoon shoot – but by that time, every teenager in Sumter was at that park brushing their hair and putting on make-up.  We decided to move on to a less populated area seeing how there is six of them on their own.

Mama and Daddy could not be any nicer and the children were super-fun from the get-go.  There was no need for a little warm-up time with these guys. “M”, “W” and “S” were ready-to-go and “C” woke up from his nap in a great mood!  Thanks so much for an afternoon of duck-duck-goose, swinging and Twizzlers!  I enjoyed it!

 Girl NEVER removed her bling…..or forgot about it.

Haven’t we seen this similar set-up before (about 5 posts back)…..brothers all around….and sister upset in the background?  Too funny.




October 25, 2011 - 9:49 pm

Todd Warrick - Haven’t heard back, is the CD ready? P is slow to respond to email, but I’m an iPhone addict.

Swamp Swimmer….

As I mentioned in my earlier post…..I was in Sumter on Sunday.  Crazy thing is…..I don’t have multiples often.  But after Saturday’s shoot of the triplets in Charleston…..I was introduced to some TWINS, “K” and “L” on Sunday.  We had a great time swinging, chasing geese, and walking on the boardwalk.

They took me to a really cool spot….called Swan Lake.  It’s ultra swampy with beautiful cyprus trees throughout.  Well, let’s just say that “K” thought it was cool….but now he “will never, ever, never, ever, never, ever, never…” go there again.  That’s because THIS happened….look to the far right….that’s where the ground just “went away!”


…And this concludes the sneak peek to the photo shoot…..this 5-year old….will never, ever, never, ever, never, ever….forget.

A little more time with BAA…..

I saw these guys back in June out at Kiawah…..Mama was nice enough to invite me to Sumter for a day of shooting with some friends.  I dropped by their house first to say hello.  Everyone was getting ready for the SECOND birthday party – in one weekend – in their household.  Mama is a superstar.  Number 1 and 3 have birthdays just a few days apart – so instead of making two weekends out of it……she blew it out in one weekend and got it all over with….Perfect.  Enjoyed getting to see you guys again and thanks so much for your efforts rallying some troops!

Please notice all the goodies on the table…..all the little Scooby Doo people and Doggie….and she had herself a little time trying to carry them all at once.

Who doesn’t dig a tattoo….on the belly?!

How cute is this?  Mama had pictures from her Summer shoot…..made into an invitation for her 2nd Birthday party!!


October 12, 2011 - 3:12 pm

R.L. - These photos are PRECIOUS!!! Thank you, Travis!


Meet Mr. and Mrs. L-A-I-D back.  I say that because I arrive on the scene….it’s calm, cool, clean, quiet.  What?  For real?  I was expecting a little chaos….just a little.  Maybe some exasperation or a sigh or something.  Why?….You’ll see…..check it out.

Are you getting the picture?  Meet “K”….the girly one of the bunch.  Super sweet….and into checking out what’s inside the grill.

…And this is “E”….the Observer.  He, as a friend once said of my daughter, has a third eye.  He is quietly checking-it-all-out.

…and last, but not least, is Mr. “T”…..totally coordinated and a risk-taker.

That’s right…..there are THREE 1- year olds.

“Oh man…did you eat that toffee?”  “Yeh, I got some stuck in my tooth….you?”

No sweat….one of the three drops the bag of gold fish….and this is where they landed ….and neither parent broke their sentence or batted an eye.  This kind of stuff just doesn’t faze them.  It’s alllll good.  We should all take a lesson from these two cute people.  Don’t sweat the small stuff…and life seems to be pretty good.

It doesn’t take much, people…..a roll of duct tape can keep triplets pretty happy.

Here’s your sneak peek sweet Sarah and Wes….great to meet you guys.  You are my new cool-breeze heros.

October 13, 2011 - 12:10 pm

C.B. - These guys are too cute.

Witches and Cowboys? For Real? Too Stinkin’ Cute!

I’ve known these cute people for a while……little Miss “E” and my youngest went to preschool together.  Every time I saw little man “T”, he was wearing something along the line of some John Deer rain boots….or some cowboy boots….or something that screamed “BOY!”

Well he’s all into Halloween and she’s getting bigger by the minute.  I was super impressed with how well they played together – very supportive of one another.  Miss “E” did pull out the obligatory big sister  “”T”, ooonnnneee, twwwooooo, if you do this you’ll get a cupcake!” and then giggle and skip off.  She was trying to be maternal….it just had an attention span of an 8-year old.

Now….let’s just check some of these out and discuss.  I mean….REALLY!?

Quite personally…..I’m digging the bright, red, bent ear!


L I K E   F a c e b o o k