Good ole boys…

I came home the other afternoon and found my 4th grader and asked….”Guess who I saw today?”  His response was typical to a 9-year old boy who could give a rat’s tail about what I’ve been up to.  “W” was my reply to his shoulder shrug….and a HUGE grin came across his sweet, rugrat face.  “W” is his ‘best friend from preschool.’

I used to LOVE to carpool these boys when they were younger.  You know how men exaggerate the size of the fish they caught?….Well it was ON every time they were in the back of the car….testosterone a’flowin’….”My dad built that ship over there.”  “Cool, my dad built this bridge.”  They weren’t being ugly with one another…they were simply sharing how great their daddies were.  When I would meet up with his Mama, we would exchange stories about all of the unknown awesomeness of our husbands and laugh!

Enjoyed my afternoon with the boys and catching up with you, Mama.  Also love getting some sibling “goodness” between the two of them….a little bite and pinch never hurt no’one.

Happy Birthday to 40% of my Household!

My husband and I had our little girl on his birthday.  I remember one of the doctors coming in to do a post-delivery check on me and saying, “Oh brother, I can see the writing on the wall….she’s going to be spoiled rotten.”  Well, that was okay by me on that day because I thought it was a super, cool gift for him.  But….she’s anything but spoiled.  I wondered if sharing the birthday would stink for either of them down the line….but they love it.  Truth is, he probably gets shafted in the attention department on this day – but he gets plenty on the other 364…and he’s just fine with it.  I love it when he says, “I was thinking, maybe Burgie and I could get “x” for our birthday.”  How stinkin’ special and cute?!

Tommy, I raise a glass of champagne Metamucil to God… in honor and thanks for you….and our marriage….and our little family we’ve created.  We are a team…T-n-T…Dy-no-mite.  I love you for your unwavering support for me and my business and the way you get excited for me.  It makes me smile that you’ll fish with the children, help coach a team or buy new clothes for them…. I appreciate the help with the laundry, dinner or carpooling without complaint.  I am happy for you that 2 of your college buddies live in our neighborhood and you golf nightly….not-so-happy when you come in bragging wanting a standing ovation from the family.  Dude, it’s like putt-putt out there.  And yes, I call you “Dude”.  (Once when we were dating – I called him “Dude” and he said with a perplexed, scrunched up face, “Don’t call me dude.”)

Burgie….sometimes I just sit and think what a cool, little chick you are…. Quick to socialize, cook, create an adventure….play with the neighbors, read a book or take a bike ride….you love the tradition of coffee cake on Father’s Day, country ham on Christmas morning and lamb on Easter….you choose your brother’s football game over a fun event, don’t get your feelings hurt easily and are quick to laugh.  I love that I get prank phone calls from you…and that you ding-dong ditch….and that you pray for others.  I’m excited for you when you wear new earrings….decorate your locker….or coordinate your outfits.  I’m ~sort of~ glad you have the guts to ~eat a live minnow (Yuck!)~….go camping for 3 days….or want me to french braid your hair.  You take in every second of your dance classes….love the adventure of volleyball….and can swing a golf club in flip flops.  You can be found fishing on the dock….sorting through fingernail polishes….or measuring out chocolate chips.  What a fun ride it has been so far….and I look forward to the future with you….my little Burgilicious.  And…I especially love….that our little tradition created while you were in diapers and a crib….we still do to this day.  May we continue for a lifetime.  xo

September 18, 2012 - 3:00 pm

pam - such a beautiful beautiful post travis!

September 18, 2012 - 3:53 pm

Barbara Walker - Travis, she is beautiful… my how she has grown. I haven’t seen her forever. Hope you are well.
Love you.

September 19, 2012 - 10:08 am

BB - Ok thanks for making me laugh and cry by 10:30am! Your little family is the best and Burgie is just beautiful! Hope their day was so special! Happy Birthday to them both…..

October 16, 2012 - 11:48 am

Kenson - Ummm… I just cried.

October 17, 2012 - 11:10 am

Anonymous - So great.

October 20, 2012 - 1:06 am

Hadley - I had to come to your blog after seeing the mention of multiple birthdays in your FB post. My first child, my son Mercer, was born on my husband’s birthday, which is the day before mine. 🙂 Such a nice thing to have in common with you.

Hope you’re well. Best,


Mazel Tov!!

One thing I learned for SURE this weekend is…..put a bunch of teenagers in a room…DJ crankin’ in the corner….and it is ON people!  I was fortunate enough to shoot the Bat Mitvah for a sweet girl whose family I met about three and a half years ago when I shot her older brother’s Bar Mitzvah.  Party started at 5:00….all shoes were off by 5:25…..and the dancing NEVER stopped until 10:00.  M&M’s were tossed into mouths…soul train dancing…photo booth poppin’…hair swingin and laughter throughout!  Even a creepy man cleaning a boat got in a picture (background.) FABULOUS.  At one point, a man came up and asked if he should hold my cameras because I looked like I needed to dance….yes, that is my kind of party.  Congratulations, Hannah… looked beautiful – your party was a blast – and you were surrounded by family and friends.  Enjoy!


Kiawah happiness…

I met up with this sweet family on a playground out at Kiawah….it was hot, muggy and buggy….but the mood was right on.  I explained that we may want to knock out the family photo first in case we had any little ones that decided to melt down at any point….Daddy’s response, “Not a chance.”  He wasn’t kidding – I spent a good amount of time with these cute people and the moods couldn’t have been happier.  “C” and I became quick friends and “N” was ready-to-go…we went swinging, swimming and found horseshoe crabs.  They introduced me to their baby cousin “E” who wasn’t quite sure what to make of me or my camera.  Thanks so much for having me out ….I could ‘feel’ your vacation mood!  (Note the Hide-N-Seek anxious excitement…can you see Mama?!)


Checking in on “B” and “C”….

What feels like was just yesterday….is right around the corner.  Every year, from September to December….my work life is crazy.  I love it.  I do great with lots of work going on.  I can’t believe it’s that time again….the H-o-l _ _ _ _ rush is around the corner.  I can’t even say it.  I don’t allow one mention of that ‘man in a big red suit’ holiday in my household until Thanksgiving meal is eaten and cleaned up.  But the card rush is about to be ON….

I bring this up because when I got the call to shoot this sweet family again, I thought to myself, “I just shot them.”  Wow, oh how much little “B” has changed and I guess time is flying by.  Great to see you guys again – “B” stole the show with some fun connections with the camera – and – if anyone follows my blog at all, they know I loovve me a little sibling interaction – gentle…or not.  I’ll let you know when the rest go up!

The other side of the Vacationers…

A couple of posts ago about a family on vacation (little girl in hat) I mentioned that I had met that family….through this family.  I met them about this time last year and by the time I show up, everyone has been on vacation now for a good week or so…lots of little people…lots of family time.  I don’t know about you – but by the end of our Thanksgiving day….my husband and I are shooting looks across the room that read ‘let’s go on and get ourselves outta here!’…..but this crew still seemed to be enjoying each other and their vacation time together.  It was great seeing you all again and – despite our muggy afternoon -I think we got some good ones.  Here’s your peek….

Things happen for a reason…

I am a firm believer that God puts us in certain places…at certain times…for certain reasons.  So one day last week I received a message from a lady saying she had a unique story….she had seen an article about me – and liked my story.  By the end of the message….I was thoroughly confused because I couldn’t recall an article written about me and as far as my story goes – it sounds a little something like this: ‘crazy, fun household with husband, 3 children and a reproducing pile of laundry accompanied by a yard full of weeds’….Mmmmm – I wonder where we connect?

Well, I called her up – learned she and her husband are newly married by a couple of years…..he had 11 children – she had 5 and they were both widows.  She started telling me about the article she had seen and I stopped her saying I wasn’t aware of an article.  She looked it up while we were on the phone – and then was perplexed because it wasn’t about me but someone with the same first name (a GUY, go figure)….and she’s not sure how she got to me.  Well I told her that I believe things happen for a reason and that I was part of a big family brought together by two widows and maybe that’s why our paths crossed.

Why was she calling?  She wanted someone to capture her husband – and his six boys – building their DREAM HOME with their own hands.  She said the respect these men had for their father was incredible, they were hard workers and she wanted to capture the special project in motion.  I was honored to cross the threshold of the dusty, loud and messy structure….and there was not a single, lazy one in the bunch.  The men didn’t know I was coming…they were polite but never put down a tool buzzing around the house…making it all happen.  Thanks for having me – it felt special to be included….until I sat in tobacco spit…and then not so special.  Oh, the tree?….she wanted the house oriented to face the big, old beauty.   (Now that I think about it, my step family’s father was building a house with my step-brothers before he passed.)


August 23, 2012 - 8:52 am

Anonymous - Amen! Love this.

August 23, 2012 - 10:38 am

Bonnie Geer - Love this, Sissy would be proud!

August 24, 2012 - 9:42 am

Carol - You are an awesome woman and a great photographer! Thank you for being a part of pulling our story together. It was meant to be. Carol

August 27, 2012 - 4:02 pm

BB - Very sweet story. Had to fight back tears looking through these amazing pictures! So proud of you!!

Cute little beach GIRLS!

These little crazy daisies are living up the summer with sand, swimming and golf carts.  I showed up – and initially we tried to get some cute, hair-brushed,  sweet-little-dress pictures…..but they were pool bound and I didn’t blame them one bit!  I mean, who can resist on a summer morning?

Mama, I know you were hoping for some that were Christmas card worthy….but I think we definitely captured your girls’ world and the laughs/tears within it!

One sweet family….leads to another….!

About this time last year, I met a family whose grown children had come into town from all over.  Luckily, I will meet up with them again in a week or so….but for now, I met the other side of one of the daughter-in-laws….yes, it sounds confusing – but regardless, they were fantastic.  Eight adults….and eight children UNDER the age of 6.   They were fun, calm and stress-free…Just the way I like it.  Please notice our attempt at a GRANDPARENT / GRANDCHILDREN picture….a little here-and-there chaos – and one little dude who was INTO it!

Thanks for my time with you this afternoon… was FUN!  I’ll let you guys know when the rest are done and up.

Teddy Grahams and Popsicles….

A beach house full of 4 families….someone missing here and there…a few from Ohio, Florida and California…..a nice, relaxing week of beach, sun, games and fun right here at Isle of Palms.  So glad this sweet, extended family found me…..I enjoyed spending my morning with you.  Here’s your vacation sneak peek!


August 10, 2012 - 11:55 am

Anonymous - Love these.

August 13, 2012 - 2:36 pm

BB - What great shots!

L I K E   F a c e b o o k