Meet Mr. and Mrs. L-A-I-D back. I say that because I arrive on the scene….it’s calm, cool, clean, quiet. What? For real? I was expecting a little chaos….just a little. Maybe some exasperation or a sigh or something. Why?….You’ll see…..check it out.

Are you getting the picture? Meet “K”….the girly one of the bunch. Super sweet….and into checking out what’s inside the grill.

…And this is “E”….the Observer. He, as a friend once said of my daughter, has a third eye. He is quietly checking-it-all-out.

…and last, but not least, is Mr. “T”…..totally coordinated and a risk-taker.
That’s right…..there are THREE 1- year olds.

“Oh man…did you eat that toffee?” “Yeh, I got some stuck in my tooth….you?”

No sweat….one of the three drops the bag of gold fish….and this is where they landed ….and neither parent broke their sentence or batted an eye. This kind of stuff just doesn’t faze them. It’s alllll good. We should all take a lesson from these two cute people. Don’t sweat the small stuff…and life seems to be pretty good.

It doesn’t take much, people…..a roll of duct tape can keep triplets pretty happy.

Here’s your sneak peek sweet Sarah and Wes….great to meet you guys. You are my new cool-breeze heros.
by Picture Lady
C.B. - These guys are too cute.