Yes, I am a Children and Wedding Photographer…..yes, this blog is typically G-rated and I certainly intend it to remain that way. However, about 2 months ago my sense of humor was piqued through a forwarded email including a link to a blog. THAT blog is NOT G-rated. But….as much as I could try to deny my funny bone….I really didn’t want to. The author has this off-centered, colorful and wacky sense of humor that I get…and sometimes live. She LOVES to drop the F-Bomb and created this blog in order to have “an uncensored space” to do so. SOOOOO, having that in mind……make your decision now to X out of this or move forward. Dad, you may want to go grocery shopping; Lyn, you will think this is hysterical; Liz, grab a Depends – you’re going to be wetting yourself; Paul, read on and enjoy your hyena laughs not in the company of small ears; Roz…move along nicely; Suzy, this is right up your alley; John Brunty, you will thoroughly enjoy; Beth, you’re a toss-up whether we’ll get an “out loud” laugh or not…..
Don’t worry, I introduce this for a reason and it will become relevant….eventually. You can click HERE to get to her blog entry for the prep story….or move on through my pictures and then go back and read. Either way, I’m sure it’s going to be “you had to be there” – but I was…and it was FUNNY. So, this blog post of mine may be for the benefit of “Layne and Friends” – aka “The Delivery Crew”.
$5 to anyone who can guess what this is ….?

How about this?

Any clearer now?

SILLY GOOSE! It’s Tupac….Beyonce’s look alike brother – Who showed up at my door around dinner time last night!

Knock Knock.....
So now, if you are still with me, you must….if you didn’t before….go HERE and make this circle whole and bring some silly clarity to this sit-chee-ation.
By the way, we decided Tupac deserved an accessory from every stop….so, see if you can find the nice add-on. He left my house and went on to eat at Santi’s….and got himself a Sombrero. Nice.

To quote the Bloggess…..”appreciate the hysterical value of a 5 foot metal chicken ringing your doorbell.” I did.
by Picture Lady
Sister with a headache from laughing:) - OMG !!!! That was the BEST!!!!! I have not laughed that hard in a long time. Why am I so late responding??? It came in when I was in Costa Rica. I could not pull it up on my phone so I forgot about it until right now. I was about to send you a text about coming for a visit. Call when you can!!! And thanks for the laugh:) Luv ya, Lyn