Hello “L” and “S”…..

So I met little Miss “L” back in October of 2010…..and now…she had somebody to introduce me to – Mr. “S”!  “L” showed me her grandmother’s garden filled with blueberries, squash and tomatoes.  She picked a few and put them in her basket….and after we were done with our playdate…..and I mean waaay after she had picked her prized fruit….she promptly took her basket into the sink and washed each and every blueberry.  She proudly came away from her work and offered me one.  I was impressed with her assignment to herself – nearly an hour beforehand – that she focused on and accomplished the minute she had the opportunity!

“L”, I really enjoyed swinging, gardening, climbing trees and playing with your little brother.  I hope he gets used to the idea of seeing me again sometime soon!  Thanks for having me over to play.


L I K E   F a c e b o o k