Happy Father’s Day, Tommy Dew!

I married a man…who is happy to iron a shirt for his son’s cotillion…cut his baby girl’s fingernails…coach his son’s baseball team…or take his adolescent girl shopping.  He throws a ball or wets a line with one of the three almost daily….he’s first to pile them all in the ‘big bed’ to watch a movie…and makes a mean stack of Saturday-mornin’ pancakes.  He enjoys a fashion show after someone has gotten new clothes….and will definitely sit down and plunk out a new tune with one on the piano.  There is a nightly wrestling match…that starts with a goodnight kiss…and a reoccurring chorus when all are home, “I LOOOVE my family!”  Thanks for making memories for all – year..after year..after year.

Oh – check out June 16th’s PARADE Magazine…..I have a picture in it!  (the family photo is mine…) 


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