My Stalker – Miss Bossy Boots – has been ON MY CASE…….I do realize that my site has gotten a little stale…..but Sista, please – you’ve got children – end of the school year is a R-A-T race. I’ve been busy with the following work and non-work related matters…..
After going New York City with some friends….I’ve had a little THIS and THAT on my plate with much of it being “Mama” related…



I was fortunate enough to shoot the school pictures for Charleston Baptist Preschool……this is my 3rd year there and it’s gets better every time. Too STINKIN’ cute…

I have also spent some time up at my favorite place in the whole world – MUSC Children’s Hospital – which is always bitter sweet. I love it up there but am never called up for happy occasions. Just remember to hug your babies and love on them often…lots of gloomy days up there for many, many families.
Thanks to my youngest….who is an outdoorsman, to say the least….we have had the pleasure of entertaining a frog, a lizard, a KITTY, several turtles, a skink and some spiders. “Schoooool’s out – for – Summer!” Most were let back out into the wild…..except – thanks to Facebook being a complete failure and my children’s tears – we now are trying to figure out a name for this baby kitten – who we just discovered that she’s a he…..a Chelsea/Chaz of sorts.

The Charleston Men’s Choir was performing on Memorial Day at St. Philips’ Church……I didn’t see the performance but got to hear some incredible rehearsals….

After exams, end of the year bowling parties, awards ceremonies, field days and presentations…..I now have a Freshman in High School, a Middle Schooler and a 4th grader. My three babies had a great year – coming out with accolades such as (and I can brag about them….it’s their efforts that earned these…..believe me – I don’t do homework OR projects)
Most valuable member of the Quiz Bowl Team – Fastest Girl runner – Winner of school Spelling Bee for grade – Principal’s Honor Roll for Year – Fastest Boy runner – Citizenship Award…..we are one proud Mama and Daddy set.
This is what this little guy is usually doing…

…and this is his sister taking advantage of his bait.

Had a playdate tonight with a cute family not too far from here…..will get you a sneaky peaky up later on. Nighty night, Miss Bossy Boots.

5th Grade Tug-O-War....

3rd Grade Wheel Barrel races....

I LOVE that a field day brings this much joy....

Took my son to his old school's graduation...saw some good 'old' friends!

Chaperoned 5th grade bowling party...

Mr. Citizen....

Randolph's best friend since Kindergarten

Good friend, Erin

Cute Lizzie...

Been working hard in the yard...

...and in the garden...
by Picture Lady
Miss Bossy Boots - aaaahhh so glad I got my fix!! These are so great and it looks like ya’ll have had a wonderful start to the summer. I miss you OXOXOXOXO