I can’t even start this post…..because after looking through a couple of these photos….well, let me back up. Sweet K.D. contacted me to shoot her senior pictures – and I suggested she pull together some friends…..the idea being to get the ‘posed’ senior shots – while documenting some fun with lifelong friends. So….I think to myself after looking at these super CUTE girls….”Heeeyyy, I’m gonna check out my senior yearbook.” And GOOD GOD ALMIGHTY……who bought those clothes for me? Who punched me in the eyes because there is blue and black stuff all over them….was I cutting my own hair? There are so many questions….from ‘where are all these people that “love me” and told me to “have a great summer”…’ to ‘why was I always a base in cheerleading?’ Ohhhh…..because I still had that (as my husband calls it) subcutaneous layer…all over. There are about 7 pictures of me in an awful, over-sized purple sweater that could have been out of Notorious B.I.G.’s closet. One small but fun tidbit about my yearbook….it has Phaedra Parks in it. Yep, the “southern” Atlanta Bravo housewife. She giggled with a scrunched up nose back then too!
Okay – moving forward – thank goodness…..here’s a sneak peek of some fun in the park – with some seniors who carry it a WHOLE lot better than we did….back in the day. Check out how straight and LOW their hair is…..no White Rain mousse for these girls. (Remember how it used to make your hair smell? Phew!)



by Picture Lady
Anonymous - such great pictures of beautiful girls inside and out! xo ms. beth