My husband and I had our little girl on his birthday. I remember one of the doctors coming in to do a post-delivery check on me and saying, “Oh brother, I can see the writing on the wall….she’s going to be spoiled rotten.” Well, that was okay by me on that day because I thought it was a super, cool gift for him. But….she’s anything but spoiled. I wondered if sharing the birthday would stink for either of them down the line….but they love it. Truth is, he probably gets shafted in the attention department on this day – but he gets plenty on the other 364…and he’s just fine with it. I love it when he says, “I was thinking, maybe Burgie and I could get “x” for our birthday.” How stinkin’ special and cute?!
Tommy, I raise a glass of champagne Metamucil to God… in honor and thanks for you….and our marriage….and our little family we’ve created. We are a team…T-n-T…Dy-no-mite. I love you for your unwavering support for me and my business and the way you get excited for me. It makes me smile that you’ll fish with the children, help coach a team or buy new clothes for them…. I appreciate the help with the laundry, dinner or carpooling without complaint. I am happy for you that 2 of your college buddies live in our neighborhood and you golf nightly….not-so-happy when you come in bragging wanting a standing ovation from the family. Dude, it’s like putt-putt out there. And yes, I call you “Dude”. (Once when we were dating – I called him “Dude” and he said with a perplexed, scrunched up face, “Don’t call me dude.”)

Burgie….sometimes I just sit and think what a cool, little chick you are…. Quick to socialize, cook, create an adventure….play with the neighbors, read a book or take a bike ride….you love the tradition of coffee cake on Father’s Day, country ham on Christmas morning and lamb on Easter….you choose your brother’s football game over a fun event, don’t get your feelings hurt easily and are quick to laugh. I love that I get prank phone calls from you…and that you ding-dong ditch….and that you pray for others. I’m excited for you when you wear new earrings….decorate your locker….or coordinate your outfits. I’m ~sort of~ glad you have the guts to ~eat a live minnow (Yuck!)~….go camping for 3 days….or want me to french braid your hair. You take in every second of your dance classes….love the adventure of volleyball….and can swing a golf club in flip flops. You can be found fishing on the dock….sorting through fingernail polishes….or measuring out chocolate chips. What a fun ride it has been so far….and I look forward to the future with you….my little Burgilicious. And…I especially love….that our little tradition created while you were in diapers and a crib….we still do to this day. May we continue for a lifetime. xo
by Picture Lady
pam - such a beautiful beautiful post travis!
Barbara Walker - Travis, she is beautiful… my how she has grown. I haven’t seen her forever. Hope you are well.
Love you.
BB - Ok thanks for making me laugh and cry by 10:30am! Your little family is the best and Burgie is just beautiful! Hope their day was so special! Happy Birthday to them both…..
Kenson - Ummm… I just cried.
Anonymous - So great.
Hadley - I had to come to your blog after seeing the mention of multiple birthdays in your FB post. My first child, my son Mercer, was born on my husband’s birthday, which is the day before mine. 🙂 Such a nice thing to have in common with you.
Hope you’re well. Best,