I love love LOVE these peeps and am thrilled when they come into town. It is so great that my daughter got to get to the know them and neither of us can quit smiling about them. Cheers to yet another fabulous time in SI.
This is one of my absolute…all-time…favorite…no nonsense…drama-free…solid girls…from one of my all-time favorite families. Sweet Parker has a love affair with this big gal…and college, et al. is about to come between them. What a fun morning and a total pleasure watching you with her. Love that the pocket full of sugar cubes kept her […]
I am always amazed that children can enjoy sand as much as they do. My husband goes to the beach…refuses to take a chair…stands anxiously around those enjoying the sun…and then despises the packing up/riding home routine. His theory…he’d rather take nothing to the beach so nothing gets sand on it. I get it to […]
Boy, sometimes it’s a super small world and God puts you right where you need to be. That’s exactly the way I felt when I drove away from this big ole’ family last night. So much love and joy amongst ALL of them…I could see, hear and feel it. There was laughter, music, dancing, flirting…just fabulous. They’ve got […]