I’ve never been around these girls when they weren’t in a good mood. The entire family is happy-go-lucky and usually keep me giggling. As always, I enjoyed seeing you – and LOVED playing a little joke on your Daddy (evil grin)….
Mama’s originally scheduled shoot got pushed around due to weather…and my next available fell while she was out of town. We were going to bag it all together until I thought…’Heeeey…I got this.’ I’ll dress them in sleeveless tank tops, daisy duke shorts and a tube top. Age appropriate and Christmas card-worthy, right? Seriously, I […]
This sweet family does Christmas right…the girls have matching Christmas outfits…Mama puts a tree up in every room…Daddy has the red scarf…(Needle scratch…yep, back up a bit, you read that right. A tree in every room. Jiminy Christmas.) I love our photo shoot tradition…and thanks for having such holiday fun each and every time.
…so sweet and soooo smart. I don’t think I’ve met a more enthusiastic Daddy. My first meeting with him…he said, “Get your camera out…I’ve got something to tell the office.” They played 20 questions…never to guess that he was about to announce that his sweet wife was pregnant again…with twins. He had already called to […]
I’ve known this family for a few years…but have only been able to see Mama and the babies for our shoots. Daddy was involved this year…and the first words out of his mouth…”Are those Hushpuppies?” while looking down at my shoes. Hysterical. I haven’t owned a pair of Hushpuppies…since the Lamar Lewis was about the […]